International Network

Local, state and national governments and industries are actively seeking international partners to expand markets and workforces that help address components of the global economy. Educational institutions are embracing the need for global competencies, are incorporating international concepts into the curriculum, are continuing to develop satellite campuses and are actively pursuing international students, international faculty, study abroad and exchange opportunities, philanthropy, etc. And these changes are happening in countries all over the globe—not just in the United States. For these reasons, the International Network is an indispensable resource, leading the profession—and the Association—toward a prominent role in navigating the globalization of the academy.
The International Network provides UPCEA membership with insights, general direction, strategy, trends, and models for integrating international education into their work. It creates forums for the exchange of ideas, programs, services, and initiatives that expand member knowledge regarding global and international education.

Who Should Join?

The International Network serves all sorts of professionals, and the following individuals may find value in the conversations and connections:

  • International Program Coordinators
  • Chief Online Learning Officers
  • Deans 
  • Provosts
  • Administrators
  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Program Coordinators
  • Vice Presidents
  • ...and all other interested UPCEA Members!

Join the Discussion

Log in to CORe, UPCEA's member community and online networking space where you can ask, answer or search for questions on relevant topics. Get advice, answers and ideas from your colleagues online via CORe, UPCEA's professional networking platform.

Your membership gives you full access to:

  • Active conversations, and the chance to ask your questions in real time
  • Robust search of conversation archive
  • A diverse resource library
  • UPCEA's entire member directory
  • Exclusive member content -- including benchmarking studies, conference session slides, and webinar recordings

UPCEA International Awards

UPCEA recognizes globalization as one of the key forces molding higher education today. The Association encourages its member institutions and organizations, to extend their outreach globally and to facilitate international or global professional and professional, continuing, and/or online education in creative and innovative ways. The Association aims to play an active role in preparing individuals for effective participation in a global society by engaging in activities that promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas of global significance.

UPCEA International Leadership Award
This award recognizes an individual for representing innovative leadership in one or more of the following areas:

  • educational programs and services;
  • administrative practices;
  • collaborations and partnerships; or
  • research

UPCEA International Program Of Excellence Award

This award recognizes a program of excellence in one or more of the following areas:

  • educational programs and services;
  • administrative practices;
  • collaborations and partnerships; or
  • research

UPCEA Global Program Award For International Partners

This award recognizes exemplary and/or innovative programming by a non-U.S. institution that creates international educational opportunities for students and/or faculty.

We wish to encourage international university and organizational participation with UPCEA through recognition of their efforts to foster global connections. The current award for program of excellence focuses on U.S. institutions that provide international programs; this one would specifically be for non-U.S. universities who are engaged in developing and managing professional, continuing, and/or online education for the global students and workforce. This new award may or may not be awarded annually, dependent upon quality of nominations.

Attend Network Events

The International Network curates webinars and coffee chats throughout the year, on a number of topics related to the work of the Network. Check out the events page linked below and keep an eye out for our upcoming events.

Today, the field of professional, continuing, online education is characterized by engagement in very complex, highly specialized areas of practice. UPCEA’s eight Networks are designed to serve professionals practicing in the key areas that define this vibrant and growing sector of higher education.

Networks are open to any UPCEA Member. Members can join any one (or multiple) of these networks by logging in to their profile, going down to My Networks + Committees then click "Browse Networks + Committees". Select the network you would like to join, and click "Join this Network/Committee".

Recent Network Newsletters

Stay up to date with Network news and happenings!

Volunteer and grow as a leader, presenter, or mentor.

Take an active role in your membership! Members are encouraged to serve as volunteer leaders. There are many ways to get involved! Click below and let us know how you'd like to volunteer with UPCEA.

Have a question about the Network? Ask a volunteer leader!

UPCEA Network Leadership is composed of UPCEA members who serve in these roles. Below you can find a current listing of this year's network leadership team. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, click here.


Leadership Team

Margaret Cook


[email protected]

Lisa Miller


University of California, Riverside
[email protected]

Steven Mulligan


[email protected]

Debra Leahy


California State University, Fullerton
[email protected]

Patty Milner


University of Arkansas
[email protected]

Ian Gibson


San Diego State University
[email protected]

Megan Moriarty


University of California, Davis
[email protected]

Juan Mavo Navarro


University of Toronto
[email protected]

Elizabeth Valencia-Borgert


St. Cloud State University
[email protected]

Marcel Bolintiam


Georgetown University
[email protected]

Beth Romanski


John Hopkins University
[email protected]


Get Involved with UPCEA

Professional development isn't just about attending sessions. Get involved with UPCEA to meet members from other institutions, share the great work your institution is doing, and hone your own skills. From submitting a session proposal for a conference or an article for a publication to serving as a volunteer on a conference planning committee, there are as many ways to engage with us!


Awards of Excellence

Since 1953, UPCEA has recognized its members' outstanding contributions to the Association and the field, as well as their achievements in innovative programming, marketing and promotion, community development and services, research and publications, and many other areas.